Fckeditor e relativo upload funzionante su aruba+win

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Fckeditor e relativo upload funzionante su aruba+win

Finalmente fckeditor mi funziona regolarmente, e udite udite su aruba windows.
Ho seguito le indicazioni trovate sul post drupal.org/node/33844 che di seguito riporto.

nota: la dove dice di creare una cartella /UserFiles/ con permessi 777, poichè su aruba+win non è possibile inserite invece la già esistente directory /public/.

The module is the one I downloaded from drupal.org (4.6.x)
The fckeditor lib is the latest : 2.2

Unpack the module in an empty dir. Unpack the FCKeditor 2.2 into the lib dir of the module directory.

1) If your drupal is installed into a dir (such as /drupal or /myblog or whatever, get into the ssip dir and edit properties.inc

edit the line : $properties['context_path'] = '/drupal'; and set it to to point to the dir where your site is actually installed into, otherwise set it to blank
ex : $properties['context_path'] = '';

2) Get into lib, and edit fckconfig.js
Here we've got to tell FCKeditor that we're using PHP to handle the filebrowser (It is defaulted to ASP...WE REALLY MUST CHANGE THIS, I MEAN , OF COURSE, IF YOU USE PHP, AND MOST DO)

// The following value defines which File Browser connector and Quick Upload
// "uploader" to use. It is valid for the default implementaion and it is here
// just to make this configuration file cleaner.
// It is not possible to change this value using an external file or even
// inline when creating the editor instance. In that cases you must set the
// values of LinkBrowserURL, ImageBrowserURL and so on.
// Custom implementations should just ignore it.
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'php' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | perl | php | py
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'php' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | php

As you can see I've just changed to php the var_FileBrowserLanguage and var_QuickUploadLanguage.

3) Get into :

and edit config.php

change the line:

// SECURITY: You must explicitelly enable this "connector". (Set it to "true").
$Config['Enabled'] = false ;


// SECURITY: You must explicitelly enable this "connector". (Set it to "true").
$Config['Enabled'] = true ;

That's all.

Check that into your wwwroot dir (whatever it is , /drupal, /mysite etc) exist a directory named /UserFiles and that its permissions are 777 (I Know it's insecure.. though)

Upload the whole fckeditor dir onto your /modules dir, enable the fckeditor from the admin panel and give it a try.

Benissimo, penso che le tue info saranno utilissime a tutti !!


L'ho fatto anch'io ma continua insistentemente a dirmi che config.php no è abilitato alla connessione. Cosa non vera perchè lo è almeno nei settaggi.
In locale funziona, su altervista no. Non so se dipende da Altervista non ne ho la più pallida idea.